Hülya TURGUT, Professor of Architecture, Ph.D.
Hulya Turgut is currently a Professor of Architecture at the University of Ozyegin. She received her doctorate in Architecture titled as “A Method for the Determination of Culture-Behavior-Space Interaction System” from…
Istanbul Technical University, 1990. Her main research interests focus on ‘Architectural design education’; ‘Culture and Space studies, particularly on the meaning and use of home’ and ‘Urban Housing’. She has completed various architectural projects, competition prizes, researches and her writings have been published nationally and internationally. She is co-coordinator of the IAPS-CSBE ‘Culture and Space’ Network; under the framework of this network, she has been chairing “International Culture and Space Symposium series“ and servicing as the scientific director of several symposiums, paper selections, architectural project competitions and workshops on the theme of ‘Istanbul as a Palimpsest City’ with the participation of undergraduate, master’s and PhD students. Dr.Turgut is also co-editors of IAPS-CSBE Network Book Series.
Orhan HACIHASANOĞLU, Professor of Architecture, Ph.D.
Received his B.Arch from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture (1979). Earned his M.Arch and PhD. degrees in architectural design from Istanbul Technical University (1981- 1986)…
Currently works as a professor at Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design. He teaches architectural design, urban design, morphology, urban and architectural identity, and research methods. His research fields are culture and space interaction; housing design and assessment for disabled and aged; architecture city and identity; architectural education; design studio; quality in design education.
Güliz ÖZORHON, Assoc. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Dr. Güliz Özorhon is working as an Associate Professor at Ozyegin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design. She completed her Ph.D studies at Yıldız Technical University in 2009…
She has studies published in several journals, presented in symposiums and congress and has awards in architectural design competitions. She has been teaching architectural design in various levels, space organization and traditional architecture in OZU-Department of Architecture since the foundation of the faculty. Her research fields include Architectural Design; Housing-Housing Settlements; Vernacular-Traditional Settlements; Architectural Education.
Derya YORGANCIOĞLU, Assoc. Professor of Architecture, Ph.D.
Dr. Derya Yorgancıoğlu received her B.Arch (2000) degree from Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture (2000), and M.Arch (2004) and Ph.D. (2010)…
degrees in Architecture from the Middle East Technical University Department of Architecture. She conducted short term research studies at Queen’s University of Belfast, Center for Educational Development (CED) in 2017 and Indiana University, Bloomington, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning in 2018 as a visiting researcher. She conducted a research project granted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [grant number 215K234]. Her research interests cover the fields of theory and research in architecture, architectural design, architectural education, learning space design, scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education.
Demet MUTMAN, Assist. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Mutman’s research is based on architecture and urban sociology through the critical readings of cities, transformation of public space and critical mappings…
Formerly she had been an entitled researcher at the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau on post war city of Mostar and been part of the curatorial team of ‘ArchiLab Europe Strategic Architecture’ exhibition. After taking responsibility at the 2009 Urban Age Istanbul, a joint project of the LSE and the Deutsche Bank, she is based at the city of Istanbul and currently teaches at OZU-FAD.
Mehmet SANER, Assist. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Having graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU) Department of Architecture in 2001, received his Master of Architecture degree from METU in 2004…
Holds a doctorate in City and Regional Planning from METU since 2014. Visited TU Dortmund for doctoral research on a DAAD scholarship between 2009-2011. His interest in planning and reuse of old industrial areas and structures has recurrently led him to extensive researches on mass-housing, and particularly on workers’ housing in urban areas usually in historical perspective.
Ebru KARAHAN, Assist. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Dr. Ebru Karahan following her education in Istanbul Ataturk Science School and Marshall High School, Virginia, Dr. Ebru Karahan received…
her B.Sc. and M. Arch degrees in Architecture from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). She obtained her PhD degree in Architecture from ITU with her dissertation titled “Factors Affecting Housing Career and A Conceptual Model Aiming at Explaining Housing Demand”. Dr. Karahan worked for various national and international construction firms, Bahçeşehir University, and Istanbul Commerce University. She has been involved in national and international workshops and conferences. She has also been coordinating a working group in an organization of European Network for Housing Research. Dr. Karahan has works published in several books and journals. Her research areas include housing sector, housing demand, vernacular architecture, housing and energy, occupant behavior, project management and qualitative research methods.
Dilara GİRGİN,
Teaching Assistant
Dilara Girgin graduated from Özyegin University Architecture (English) Undergraduate Program as an Honor Student in the 2020 Fall semester.
She was accepted to the Aura Istanbul Certificate Program in the 2020 Spring semester and carried out studies on the scale of the city of Istanbul. Throughout her education life, she learned to think and question multi-dimensionally by intersecting architecture with different disciplines. She is currently studying at Özyeğin University’s Master’s Program in City and Architecture she. She also works as a teaching assistant in Özyeğin University’s City and Architecture program.
Teaching Assistant
Özge Keskin graduated from Özyeğin University Architecture Department in 2021 as an honor student. Alongside her degree, she also pursued her interests in interaction design and graphic…
representations, culminating in her successful completion of the Communication and Design minor program. She started to question interdisciplinary thinking, spatial interaction and experience in the field of architecture. She continues her education at Özyeğin University’s City and Architecture Master’s Program and works as a teaching assistant.
Murat ŞAHİN, Assoc. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Işılay TEKÇE, Assist. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Touraj ASHRAFIAN, Assist. Prof. of Architecture, Ph.D.
Dr. Touraj ASHRAFIAN has more than 17 years’ work experience in Architectural Design and Built- Environment Science by 2020. Since 2016, he has been…
working as an Assistant Professor at Özyeğin University and leading architectural design, built-environment and construction-related courses. He is also co-coordinator of Building Materials and Physic Laboratory (BMPLab). His research interests relevant to UHL activities include sustainability in the urban scale, energy-efficient urban planning, urban context and energy efficiency, smart cities, urban heat island (UHI), urban energy retrofit, green cities, ecological design, slow cities, eco-friendly design and environmentally conscious design.
Nagehan AÇIMUZ İŞBAKAN, Instructor, Ph.D.
Nagehan Açımuz İşbakan, obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2013 from Istanbul Technical University with her theisis titled “A deconstructive reading among architecture…
and fashion design”. Currently she has her own company ‘namd architecture’ that focuses on both architectural design and application on different scales; from urbanscale to interior design. She has been giving architectural design studio lectures on different levels at OZU-FAD which start with workshops discussing over urban readings in order to create awareness on urban issues and create urban strategies. She has been participated to Academy Days of the 4th DESIGN BIENNIAL -A School of Schools and is a member of IAPS-CS network team since 2019. She has articles and papers on ‘new ways of living’ and ‘architectural design studio processes’ in architectural education.