- 08/01/2021: Our paper “Effect of Photon Statistics on Vacuum Fluctuations Based QRNG” is accepted to be published by IOP’s (Journal of Optics). The paper can be found here.
- 18/11/2020: Our team member Helin Özel has presented our recent work “Pseudothermal Light Based Quantum Random Number Generator” as a visual presentation in “2020 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT)”. The paper can be found here.
- 03/09/2020: “SPIE Future Sensing Technologies” conference have accepted Hashir Kuniyil‘s paper “Object ranging, tracking and identification by cross-correlation measurements” to be presented in an oral digital presentation. The conference will be in 9 – 13 November 2020. The paper can be found here.
- 13/08/2020: Our recent works: “Down-Conversion Emission Profile characterisation via Camera” and “Photon Statistics Effects on a QRNG of Vacuum Fluctuations” have been accepted to the “Frontiers in Optics” conference which will take place virtually in 14/09/2020. Our group members Hashir Kuniyil and Abdulrahman Dandaşi will be presenting these works in a poster presentation.
- 14/07/2020: Check out Dr. Durak’s latest report on the “Optimization of collection optics for maximum fidelity in entangled photon sources” in this link.
We are looking for new researchers
What will you work on?
The successful candidate will be admitted to master or doctoral program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering offered by Ozyegin University. He/she will work under the supervision of Dr. Kadir Durak on the following advanced research topics:
- Quantum communication networks.
- Entangled photon source and driving circuitry optimizations.
- Ultra-cold atom physics.
- Single atom – single photons interactions.
- Quantum imaging using entangled photons.
- Quantum sensing using cold atoms.
- Imaging with sub-diffraction limit resolution.
The candidate is expected to spend substantial amount of time on reading the academic literature and doing research on daily basis.
Required Qualifications
- B.Sc. degree in one of the following departments: Physics, Physics Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering.
- Qualifying one of the following criteria:
- GPA of at least 3.2/4.0
- ALES score of at least 85
- Being within the first 20.000 at the University Entrance Exam
- High interest in research in cutting edge quantum technologies and science.
- Experience with at least one of the following: MATLAB, Mathematica, Zemax, Python, or C.
- Basic knowledge of Quantum Physics and basic driving circuitry.
- Prior publication record (if you are applying for PhD).
Needed Documents
- CV
- Research statement
- Transcripts
- Samples of publications (if any).
- B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis copies (or graduation project report).
Possible Scholarship Offers
- Full tuition waiver.
- Total monthly stipend in the range of 5000-6000 TL (depending on the qualifications).
- Free dormitory room (for single students) or 550 TL rental support (for married students).
- A laptop or desktop computer.
- An office desk space
- Conference attendance support.
- 23/12/2019: Dr. Kadir Durak, made a speech with the visitors “Video Makale” YouTube channel. He informed us during the speech on Quantum Physics and ongoing experiments conducted in our Quantum Optics Laboratory, i.e., Quantum Radar, Quantum Communication and other experiments.
05/12/2019: For students of Physics, Computer Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering departments, who will be graduated by the end of 2019/20 fall semester, we are looking for students to work in Ozyegin University on quantum communication networks and / or cold atom physics. We need 6 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, who will be given a full scholarship + a monthly salary (4600 / 5100 TL for M.Sc. / Ph.D.). Contact us on: kadir.durak@ozyegin.edu.tr.
- 9-11/11/2019: Three of our team members has given oral (Dr. Durak) and poster (Helin Ozel and Cagri Dindar) presentations in the International Workshop on “Quantum Frontiers of Technology” which took place in TUBITAK, Gebze. The talk of of Dr. Durak can be watched on this link.
- 31/10/2019: Presidency of Defence Industry (PDI) and TUBITAK Informatics and Information Security Research Center (IAISRC) personnels visited our Quantum Optics Laboratory. During the visit, Dr. Kadir Durak made a presentation about our work. Also the experiments on Quantum Radar, Entangled Photons Imaging and Quantum Hacking were performed successfully.
- 19/09/2019: Our work on Quantum Radar has been presented as poster in “SPIE Security + Defence 2019” conference and has gained the attention of the conference’s visitors, to download the poster press on: Quantum Radar Poster. The same work has later been published as a peer reviewed paper on Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) journal, titled as Object identification and tracking by quantum radar. The paper can be found on: The Link
- 11/09/2019: A new method to speed up the post processing of quantum random number generators has been introduced in our new paper. Check out the preprint on Arxiv:
https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04909 - 11/09/2019: A simple method to capture the image of quantum entangled photon has been reported . See it on Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04921
- 19/08/2019: Our work on Quantum Radar has been reported now. You can see the preprint on Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.06850
- 17/06/2019: This is an Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) evaluation kit made in the lab, using it we can evaluate the operation of any kind of APD in the linear and Geiger mode. It has a high variable voltage source that can be tuned according to the specifications required for any kind of either cooled or uncooled APD. This is the first prototype of a product made in the lab and will be improved until getting the final compact product very soon.
- 04-05/05/2019: Professor Kadir Durak gave a presentation in Turkish Airlines’ “SCIENCE AMBASSADORS SUMMIT” which was held in Sabanci University in Istanbul. For more information press here.
- 25/04/2019: Dr. Durak presented in Ozyegin University about “Quantum Technologies in the Second Quantum Revolution“.
- 13-15/03/2019: Dr. Durak presented at the Institute of Physics Singapore (IPS) meeting 2019.
- 31/01/2019: Dr. Durak gave an oral presentation at the Quantum Optics and Information Meeting (Kobit).
- 17-18/01/2019: A public workshop about Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Thermodynamics was held in Abant Izzet Baysal University. Dr. Durak gave a talk on “entangled photon sources and their optimization for quantum cryptography”. The event was open to all guests and participation was free of charges.
- 28/11/2019: Asst. Prof. Kadir Durak gave a seminar at Sabancı University about the research done in Ozyegin University.
- 02/04/19: Before starting our weekly meeting we celebrated Nuri’s birthday by surprising him with a birthday cake, after that we continued our usual business.