Dynamic Research on Urban Morphology books DRUM BOOKS
Book series directed by Alessandro Camiz, published by DRUM Press, Istanbul.
CITIES IN EVOLUTION. DIACHRONIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS Book of abstracts VIII AACCP (Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning) symposium, 2021 Edited by: Alessandro Camiz, Zeynep Ceylanlı, Zeren Önsel Atala and Özge Özkuvancı, DRUM Press, Istanbul, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-716-22187-3
Camiz, A., Al Hussein, L. and Linnik, A. eds (2022) PANDEMICS AND THE CHANGING BUILT ENVIRONMENT LEARNING FROM HISTORY, PLANNING OUR FUTURE. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, (First International ONLINE conference, on Pandemics and Urban Form, PUF2022, April 28th-30th 2022, Istanbul, Turkey), Istanbul: DRUM Press, ISBN: 978-1-4717-1824-3
Ceylanlı, Zeynep; Günay, Pelin and Çiçek, Ezgi (eds.) (2023) Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements (Proceedings of the VIII AACCP symposium, Özyeğin University, Istanbul 2021), Volume II, DRUM Press, Istanbul. ISBN: 978-1-4478-0517-5.
Çiçek, Ezgi; Özkuvancı, Özge and Camiz, Alessandro (eds.) (2023) Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements, (Proceedings of the VIII AACCP symposium, Özyeğin University, Istanbul 2021), Volume III, DRUM Press, Istanbul. ISBN: 978-1-4478-0514-4.
Özkuvancı, Özge; Camiz, Alessandro and Ceylanlı, Zeynep (eds.) (2023) Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements, (Proceedings of the VIII AACCP symposium, Özyeğin University, Istanbul 2021), Volume IV, DRUM Press, Istanbul. ISBN: 978-1-4478-0518-2.
Camiz, Alessandro (ed.) (2024) Pandemics and the changing built environment. Learning from history, planning our future. (Proceedings of the First International ONLINE conference, on Pandemics and Urban Form, PUF2022, April 28th-30th 2022, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey) DRUM Press: Istanbul, ISBN: 978-1-4452-2385-8.