Points of Pride
- Our paper “Channel Modelling for Light Communications: Validation of Ray Tracing by Measurements” co-authored by CT&T team members H. B. Eldeeb and M. Uysal received the Best Student Paper Award at the 12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) in July 2020.
- Our paper “Resource allocation for downlink OFDMA in underwater visible light communications,” co-authored by CT&T team members M. Elamassie, M. Karbalayghareh, F. Miramirkhani, and M. Uysal received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) in June 2019.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Best Survey Paper Award for his paper “Survey on Free Space Optical Communication: A Communication Theory Perspective” co-authored with Dr. Ali Khalighi. The award nominees are selected from among the hundreds of survey papers published in IEEE ComSoc journals within the last five years and the award decision is made by the IEEE ComSoc Award Commitee. The award-winning paper was published in June 2014 and became an almost-instant classic in the emerging area of optical wireless communications with more than 1400 citations that it received so far.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was elevated to IEEE Fellow “for contributions to cooperative and diversity techniques in wireless and optical communications” in January 2019. The grade of Fellow is awarded to distinguished researchers in recognition of their breakthrough and high-impact studies in any of IEEE’s designated fields of interest, and is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors only by nomination and references of a Fellow nominator. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognized as a prestigious honor and a distinctive career achievement.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal received Elginkan Foundation Technology Award for his contributions to “optical wireless communication technologies for beyond 5G wireless networks” in January 2018.
- CT&T team lead by Prof. Uysal was awarded the National Instruments (NI) Engineering Impact Award with their submission “Using the NI PXI Platform for LiFi-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems” in May 2017.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was listed among the Top 100 Turkish Scientists prepared by the leading business magazine Turkishtime in May 2017.
- Our conference paper “Generalized LED Index Modulation Optical OFDM for MIMO Visible Light Communications Systems” received “Best Paper Award” at the IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC) in May 2016.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded “Best Researcher Award” by Ozyegin University in June 2014.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded “Distinguished Young Scientist Award” by Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) in May 2011.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded “Engineering Research Excellence Award” by the University of Waterloo in September 2010.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded “Discovery Accelerator Supplement” from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in June 2008. The objective of this program is described on NSERC website as “…to provide substantial and timely resources to a small group of outstanding researchers who have a well-established research program, and who show strong potential to become international leaders in their respective area of research”.
- Our conference paper “Diversity Gain Analysis of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems” received “Honorary Mention” in the Best Student Paper Award at the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE’08) in May 2008.
- Our conference paper “Performance Analysis and Optimization of Relay-Assisted Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Cooperative Communication” received the “Second Best Student Paper Award” at the IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference (SIU’08), Didim, Turkey, April 2008.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was elevated to Senior IEEE Membership in August 2007.
- CT&T Group Director Prof. Uysal was awarded Marsland Faculty Fellowship for “recognition of excellence in teaching and research in the area of information and communication technology” by the University of Waterloo in September 2004.