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Kaya, T.G. (2017). Durability of timber and laminated timber and the effects of environmental conditions on its mechanical properties (Masif ve lamine ahşabın durabilitesi ve mekanik özelliklerine ortam şartlarının etkisi), [Doctoral dissertation, İstanbul Technical University]
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Yılmaz, A. Z., Ashrafian, T., Sağlam, N. G., Gali, G., & Akgüç, A. (2015).Determination of Turkish Reference Residential Buildings and National Method for Defining Cost Optimum Energy Efficiency Level of Buildings (Binalarda Maliyet Optimum Enerji Verimliliği Seviyesi için Türkiye Koşullarına Uygun Yöntemin ve Referans Binaların Belirlenmesi), Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TÜBİTAK 1001.