5th Migration Conference 2017

Wednesday 23 August to Saturday 26 August 2017

Harokopio University Athens

The Migration Conference 2017 is a peer-reviewed international academic symposium dedicated to the study of migration covering a wide range of multidisciplinary areas including dynamics and patterns of human mobility, legal and regulatory frameworks, labour market outcomes, education and human capital, brain drain and brain circulation, short term migrations, migrant integration, specific diasporas, such as of Mexicans, Latinos, Turks, Chinese, Caribbeans, Africans, Indians, South Asians, Kurds, Syrians, retirees, returnees, irregulars, and others, culture, media  and politics, health and well-being of migrants, internal and international migration nexus, migrant experiences, mobile minorities, transnationals, nomads, Gypsies, Romanis, methodology in migration research, migration theory, the cost of migration, transnational space, transnationalism, political participation, legal frameworks, conflicts, non-movers and attitudes and policies towards migration and migrants.

Abstracts: Structured long abstracts should state clearly the objectives, referring to relevant literature, methods, results and conclusions of the work, and should be no more than 750 words in length.
Up to 10-12 key references cited in the abstract can be given and these are not included in the word count.

Papers: A maximum of 7 pages including a short abstract (up to 200 words), appendices and references.

Developmental / Working papers: A maximum of 4 pages including a short abstract (up to 200 words), appendices and references.

Posters: These must be in PowerPoint format, and have a maximum file size of 10Mb. Posters should be A1 format and printed on a single panel. The text should be around 25 point, with main headings no smaller than 36 point.

*Authors may submit no more than 2 single authored papers or 3 co-authored papers in total.

Important Deadlines:

  • 01 September 2016Submission opens
  • 28 March 2017: Submission Deadline for abstracts/papers
  • 28 March 2017: Author notifications begin
  • 15 June 2017: Early Bird Registration Deadline
  • 28 May 2017: Submission of revised versions of accepted abstracts – last day for revisions
  • 28 May 2017: Submission of full conference papers to be eligible for the Best Paper Prizes
  • 15 July 2017: Final Registration Deadline for presenters to stay on the programme.
  • 23 August 2017: Final Registration Deadline to attend.
  • 23-26 August 2017: TMC 2017 takes place at Harokopio University Athens, Greece
  • 26 September 2017: Final Revised Paper submission deadline for papers to be considered for the edited volumes (books or journal special issues)

For further details please visit: The Migration Conference 2017

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